Anger, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress

 Anger is an extreme and intense emotion we feel. It can lead to negativity like aggression, anxiety, depression and stress. It is part of feeling  the fight or flight response. This is where we start to get mad and let the emotion out in an angry way. People with epilepsy deal with anxiety, depression and stress which brings so many tears down our eyes. We believe holding negativity will help us protect ourselves because the fear of acceptance and what people might think of us because we're different. Therefore, there is trouble with our emotions and letting things go.

We need to have angry feelings, even if we don't want to. Anger helps us be aware of our surroundings, teaches us to let things go and motivate ourselves to a brighter future. The same goes with feeling anxious, depressed and stressed. Stress and anxiety helps ourselves be prepared about certain things like going in front of a crowd, meeting new people, taking risks and more. There would be a problem if we did not feel that way. Therefore,  these aspects can actually be good feelings, proving anger truely is not a bad thing.  

Whether it's a difficult assignment, disability, work, relationships, trauma, abuse, an extreme event, holding feelings in, and noticing something is not right leads us fight or flight. Fight or flight is important because there are different ways on how we approach our negativity. Some things that can help us is our loved ones, counseling, art, exercising, meditation, and even crying. This is why it is important to be aggressive and tough because aggression helps us let go of negative emotions and a  bad past. The past might be a thunderstorm, but the future is what holds the sunshine. 

I've met people (especially children) who have troubled families, but I let them know they are still good people and motivate them by giving pep talks. I helped an 8 year old who had ADHD on how to multiple in small steps so he had a better understanding on things. It can be frustrating motivating people, but that's why we have to have anger. This helps with understanding  our limits and what keeps us going. 

Do not feel alone because there are a lot of problems like PTSD, ADHD, ADD, SAD, OCD, GAD, epilepsy, handicap, or people in general that experience these different aspects every day . However, believe me, "If you let go of those negative feelings, I bet there will be a positive input in the future ahead of you." 

" Inside Out" is a really good movie! If you haven't seen it, its worth it!


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