Believing in the impossible
I remember Walt Disney told me, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible ". I believe him because there are so many events in my life I've never thought would be possible. I wanted to follow in his footsteps and try the impossible.
The impossible has made myself happier than ever. Some of the happiest moments I've had are graduating college, going back to college, becoming better at boxing thanks to my instructor, getting youth of the year award from my job, becoming an inspiration and advocate about spreading epilepsy awareness, and more. Even getting feedback from my professors creates more happiness on my face. I find hard work pays off and that's part of the impossible.
I was afraid epilepsy would keep myself away from so many accomplishments. I noticed having a lot of fear is not worth it. Instead, I fight epilepsy, and I don't let it get in the way of amazing achievements. I was not expecting any of them to happened. Doing the impossible has made myself feel magical.
Making what kind of future you want is a choice. I'm the only person who can make what I want in my future. The impossible has helped myself make a wonderful life and surprisingly great choices. We only have one life and it's your choice on making it the best or worst.
This is what the gift of the impossible has given me. Sometimes believing in the impossible can be a very helpful resource in life. I love making the impossible happen in my life and hopefully the future. 😉 Maybe you can too!
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