Is There a Reason to Be Afraid of an Epileptic?

A lot of people (not everyone) thinks epilepsy is a big deal. It can be, but only if you make it that way. Seizures, triggers and auras can be scary, but they are scarier to people who are uneducated about epilepsy awareness. When I think of epilepsy, I'm like, "sure it's scary, but it is not worth the fear of dying or getting injured." I just enjoy my life as an epileptic and am proud of always being myself." My family and the epilepsy community don't find me as a threat or a danger to society. They find me as a young and growing lady. 

I'm not a danger to society, epilepsy is just something that has always been a part of me. It is called being human, not a monster. However, if you are wearing those blinders and only are looking at my health concern, then you are the people missing out. Missing out on a chance to meet someone and you might reject just because of my epilepsy? If so, than it's your loss, not mine. I've been learning that lesson my entire life.  Realizing when you do not see the real me, it is not my fault. 

Instead of living with the fear of meeting someone with epilepsy, why not ask questions and embrace the changes in my personality? It is difficult to tell people I have epilepsy, but it is better than hiding my true colors. I love educating and inspiring people about the concept of epilepsy and what it is like to have it. 

Showing people I'm not afraid to show who I am is an amazing feeling. I could hold fear about having epilepsy and that something could happen, instead I just don't let that define who I am. Everyone (including myself) deserves the golden rule, "Treat others the way you want to be treated" and that "The inside is more important than the outside."  I'm a brave and inspirational warrior who never gives up and tries to be the best she can be. Therefore, epilepsy does not make me any different from everyone else.  You might find that difficult to believe,  but I think it is true. 



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