Never Give Up!
Now, are there any benefits of giving up? I don't think so. Giving up is like ripping out a piece of your personality. Here is why.
In life there are so many things that can make us discouraged. Sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference. Some examples that might make us give up are failing a test, losing a game, negative feelings about ourselves, trying something for the first time you've never experienced, unpopularity, finding love and hope, accidents, physical therapy, being hospitalized and more. However, giving up is the worst thing you can do because what if there's a project you get discouraged on, but eventually get an A+ on it? You would probably feel dumb/ negative emotions because you made things harder than they needed to be, and that's not always necessary.
Discouragement is my greatest enemy, and it gets me worked up/ stressed over nothing extreme. I thought I was failing a self portrait (below) and I wanted to give up during the process. However, I knew giving up would make things worse, so instead I took a deep breath and eventually got an A in the class. I was nervous and didn't give up after using the speed bag for the first time when I first started boxing. Therefore, learning, failures, and experience were the answers to my situation all along.
Failure is the reason why we try everything over and over again. Eventually we get better each time we fail. I find this is why when you don't give up, there is a purpose in living. We live to thrive better grades, positive energy, health, exercise, a better person and more.
If life was easy and there weren't any challenges, I don’t think there's a purpose on why we should be on this earth. The reason why we're successful is because we don't give up. Discouragement doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you stronger because its your choice of whether you want to give up or not. Therefore, having a successful life means going through trial and error.
Practice makes perfect and nobody is perfect, not even Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci. They were some of the smallest people in the world and they became that way through the lessons of failure and not giving up. If they can show how well they did in their lives by not giving up, I bet you can too! 😀
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