Background Knowledge About My Kind of Epilepsy
Now that I have covered the basic principles about epilepsy( the definition, auras, triggers, seizures and, etc), I would like to share some background knowledge about my epilepsy. There are different kinds of seizures and epilepsy and the kind I go through is refractory epilepsy. The two kind of seizures I have are partial and grand mal seizures.
Refractory epilepsy is where medicine doesn't always have the best of luck on treating seizure control. Seizure control is a difficult process because not everyone gets the same treatment, which can or cannot take longer to manage. Partial seuzures is when electrical activity affects a small area of the brain (the lobe(s) it's located in) and muscles of the body. Most body movements involve shaking, screaming, crying, etc during the seizure. Grand Mal seizures involve a loss of consciousness (blackouts) and violent muscle movements. I don't remember what happened once I regain consciousness from a grand mal seizure. The biggest differences between these types of seizures are partial seizures are more common and not super severe and grand mal seizures are more severe/ scary and also rare too.
Luckily, all of this has treatment and I love living my life. I'm so grateful I don't have to go through much more severe consequences others with different kinds of epilepsy do. I wish them the best of luck.
It is surprising on what an invisible disability can prove to people. I want to spread the word about myself and epilepsy awareness. Besides, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". I've failed in life, which makes me more stronger and more motivated than I could ever imagine. 🥰
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