The Seizure Recovery Stage

Everyone has different kinds of seizures  and epilepsy due to where it is located in the brain. Some people have trouble acting or speaking because it could be in the frontal lobe, or in my case, I have trouble with vision reading, and understanding things because my epilepsy is in the occipital lobe and from having surgery too. This can make it difficult to understand how someone feels, reacts to certain things, what can cause triggers, and what their seizures and recovery process is like. Therefore, it's important to look at an epileptic's point of view and being in their shoes as a helpful resource.

There are 3 stages of having a seizure.  First are auras (before) second is the seizure itself (during) and the recovery (after) stage. After a seizure, most people pass out or go to sleep which is very common. Once a person gets rest from the seizure, there are different outcomes on how the seizure impacted the person.  Some people feel fine, don't remember much, experience memory loss, may have to vomit, become even more tired, confused, are not speaking or understanding clearly, and even forgetting people they just met. However, the most common outcomes are confusion, tiredness, slurred speech, and having trouble understanding/ thinking. Depending on how severe a person's epilepsy is and where it's located, the longer the recovery process will take. Sometimes it can take as long as 7 days from only having one episode.  

My recovery stage isn't too severe and the longest it has taken is about a day. I basically go to sleep, wake up a little confused with trouble thinking and speaking, but the outcome isn't bad. As the day goes by, the recovery symptoms wear off and I'm fine the day after. However, depending on what seizure I have and how I feel, might take 2 days the most. 

"Life is hard when it comes to having  epilepsy, and stepping in someone else's  shoes can be a very good idea on how to overcome what epileptics (including myself) go through and how we feel too." 🙂


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