
Showing posts from February, 2022

Do Not Judge a Book By It's Cover

Just because epileptics have problems about a seizure disorder doesn't make us bad or scary people. We are actually like everyone else. There are different traits we have like art, time outdoors, social gatherings, and more. We try and spread the word about epilepsy and our background stories too. They are very interesting, and our personalities are too.  Never judge a book by it's cover before you get to know someone! Just because we're different, makes us more powerful than ever.  It is also important to keep in mind, embrace people's differences because it's fun to learn about one another.   There are good and bad things about having epilepsy. However, we strive for a strong community. Our community brings us together in more ways than one. Do not be afraid to learn about our personalities.If you judge someone's life, then it is possible to miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. 

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! Let's spend time with all of our loved ones. However, let's make sure to love each other every day 💕 not just on this holiday. 

Black History Month Poem

There are reasons why the black community is important Whether or not we need these people Let's jump into their shoes Because everybody deserves to be equal Equality is an important aspect in life It is a strong right Everyone should be equal Because  it shows a bright light Black lives matter no matter what There are so many famous people we may not know We should embrace our differences Since that is what makes equality grow Have you heard of our heroes There is Bryant, Tubman, and Ali These amazing people have done so much Whether  you see it or not They have brought us pride and joy Bryant was an amazing player Tubman was a slave saver Ali was known as the greatest heavy weight champion of all time These heroes are not dead Rather known as legends that never died Black lives matter  That's what this month is about Let's spread awareness about these people Both inside and out

Never Underestimate The Epilepsy Community

This is more than 100% true 👍!  Never underestimate the epilepsy community because you might find out something that makes us unique.  It's like saying "Never judge a book by it's cover!" We fight every day and try to make the best of our lives.  Therefore, never underestimate us! 

Epilepsy Stereotypes

When it comes to having epilepsy, the community tends to get judged quickly.  People don't stop and think she might be talented at something or her life seems interesting. Instead, our community gets bad reviews due to assumptions. People out of the epilepsy community think we might be dumb or don't know what we're doing in life. All of this are just typical stereotypes.  There are so many epileptics I've met that know how to do incredible things.  Some of us get jobs, build families, get educated, can do survival skills, graduate, live full independent lives, and more. In my experience, I have everything I just listed there and am very proud of what I've overcome.    The most common stereotype the epilepsy community faces is probably our education level(s) and our rights on how we want to live. Just because we learn and think differently, doesn't make us dumb or anything. It makes us unique because we're different in so many special ways. We are able to li...

Having The Symbol of the Tiger

There are different things (plants, animals, people, etc) that symbolizes our feelings and personality. I believe the tiger symbolizes my feelings and personality.   The tiger symbolizes bravery, courage, and strength in times of struggles. I believe being a warrior and fighting against epilepsy, makes me a tiger. Tigers have the traits of not giving up due to having their strength, courage, and bravery.  The song "Eye of the Tiger " by Survivor represents taking chances and trying your best in order to survive/ find glory. It makes me feel powerful and tough about myself, because it proves I can defeat anything!  I have courage, strength, and bravery from being an epilepsy warrior. The tiger symbolizes these characteristics in my personality and feelings too. I never give up and always have the courage & strength to overcome anything. Therefore, I'm a tiger!  🐅 "Eye of the Tiger" is a great song from the ROCKY sequel. If you haven't heard the song or w...