Epilepsy Stereotypes

When it comes to having epilepsy, the community tends to get judged quickly.  People don't stop and think she might be talented at something or her life seems interesting. Instead, our community gets bad reviews due to assumptions. People out of the epilepsy community think we might be dumb or don't know what we're doing in life. All of this are just typical stereotypes. 

There are so many epileptics I've met that know how to do incredible things.  Some of us get jobs, build families, get educated, can do survival skills, graduate, live full independent lives, and more. In my experience, I have everything I just listed there and am very proud of what I've overcome.  

 The most common stereotype the epilepsy community faces is probably our education level(s) and our rights on how we want to live. Just because we learn and think differently, doesn't make us dumb or anything. It makes us unique because we're different in so many special ways. We are able to live a normal healthy life just like everyone else.

Our epilepsy community comes together and makes our lives thrive for the better. Juat because we think differently, doesn't make us bad people. There are many famous people who have achieved goals and have epilepsy like Alexander the Great, Michelangelo, and Sir Elton John. I do not believe our community needs stereotypes because everyone struggles differently and that's not being bad, it is being human.  

"You would be surprised about how smart epileptics can be and get to know us. We can show you how unique we are and it will be unexpecting on what you'll find out." 


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